Welcome to erneslot.es a website dedicated to the build and transformation of slot cars, specially Porsche slot models mainly at 1/32 scale. Here you will find the construction of a slot car step by step, techniques and tricks that I use, my slot car collection, a market section with different things for sale or change, and links to web pages that I find interesting.
The reasons for making this website about scratchbuilding were two, first of all, to show my work, and otherwise to serve as a guide for those who are beginning in this hobby. Regarding this last question, when I started to introduce in this hobby, although there were forums and other sites with similar topics and very interesting contents, sometimes missed a clearer explanation of some things. In this sense, the "Slotcenter.net" site and "Los Petiflauticos" forum were of great help, but after their disappearance we can find very goog contents in, "Pasionslot" and "Slotadictos" forums as well as other sites like this you´re visiting.
Althought I´ve worked too hard for traslate to english the hole page probably you´ll find many translation mistakes. I would appreciate very much if you show me those mistakes you could find in order to improve the translation of the page.
Finally, if you want to contact me for any comments or suggestions please send me an e-mail to contacto@erneslot.es.
I hope you enjoy with the contents. Thanks for visiting my page.
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